P5 2019Uncategorized

September news Primary 5

Welcome to Primary 5! The boys and girls have settled into their new class very well and they have been trying their best with their learning.

Class charter

At the beginning of term, we were learning about our rights and how we can show respect for each others’ rights in our classroom. As a class, we created our class charter. Our rules include

  • We will always try our best.
  • We will use safe hands and feet in the classroom and in the playground.
  • We will be good friends to each other.
  • We will listen to instructions.
  • We will raise our hand when we want to share our thoughts and opinions.


Already this term, the children have written some excellent recounts all about our trip to Techfest.

We start each day with spelling and phonics. In phonics, we have been looking at the phonemes and we have been identifying words that have these sounds. We have practised using a range of strategies such as Elkonin boxes and Diacritical marking, along with using our knowledge of phonics to help us to spell tricky words. Education City has some great activities to help with our spelling words. All children have their usernames and passwords in their reading records.


We have been working hard in maths. We have been looking at number processes. In mental maths, we have been consolidating our times tables. Any extra practice that can be done at home would be great!


Our topic work has been focusing on “Our democratic world”. The children have been very enthusiastic in learning about the Scottish parliament and how the country is run by the government.


We are very lucky to have Mr Dawson this year teaching us music! Some of us have even signed up to choir and GLEE and have been having great fun!


Homework is given out on a Tuesday and should be returned on Monday. Each week children will get reading for homework, assigned on their specific reading day. They will then receive spelling, maths and topic based homework. For additional practice each week, children can access Education City for a range of activities that relate to the work being done in class. Login details are at the front of their reading records.

Other news

We were lucky to get to go on our first trip in the first week of Primary 5. We went to RGU to attend Techfest. We had great fun building bridges, programming lego robots and even taking part in a K’nex solar power challenge.

We really enjoyed the Booster Cushion performance of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Some of us even got to take part.