P2 2019

Welcome back Primary 2!

Welcome to Primary 2! The boys and girls have settled extremely well into Primary 2 and have been enjoying the first few weeks of term. It has been lovely getting to know them and we have even been lucky enough to enjoy some outdoor learning!



In maths, we will be focusing on ordering numbers, addition and subtraction. We will be learning lots of different techniques to add and subtract. Primary 2 will continue to do daily mental maths to improve their numeracy skills.


In literacy, we have been busy consolidating our Primary 1 sounds (sh, ch, th, wh and ph). Each week we will learn a new sound and this week we are learning the ‘ck’ sound. Children will also be given four common words to learn each week which will be sent via homework. Reading books have been issued for you to enjoy reading at home with your child. We will be focusing on sounding out and blending our words this term. Any extra reading practice at home will be a great help! Writing this term will be linked to our topic ‘Choices and Fairness’


Primary 2 have been getting to know each other and have been sharing lots of lovely work about themselves and their families! For the rest of the term, our topic focus is ‘Our Democratic World’. We are looking forward to setting up fun voting systems in class to help us make decisions!  We will learn to listen to the ideas of other people and we will share our reasons for our decisions.

Music and Drama 

We are very lucky to have Mr Horton join us in class on Fridays for music and Mrs Hutton will join us some Wednesdays to teach us Drama.


Homework will go out on a Monday and it is due in on a Friday.  Homework may not always be paper-based. It will sometimes be set through  Education City and instructions will be given through Marvellous Me. Please ensure you send back a ‘high five’ to let me know that  you have seen the message. If you have any issues logging on to Education City or Marvellous Me, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me or the office. Reading books and folders should be brought to school every day as we will be doing comprehension activities based on our reading books in class.


P.E days for Primary 2 are on Wednesday and Friday. We will also be learning football skills with RADS coaches on Tuesdays. Please ensure your child has their P.E kit with them every day. Kits will be sent home for washing on Friday.

Primary 2 are looking forward to the rest of the term and we will be sharing lots of fun learning with our friends and families!