P3 Blue 2019

P3 Blue Term 2

This term our writing will be relating to our topic “Hey Ewe”, where we will be making flyers, posters and invitations as well as imaginative pieces of writing with a winter theme.

In phonics, our blended phoneme and common word list:
Week 9 – /wr/ – gave, family, how, might
Week 10 – /ea/ (bread) – learn, children, because, earth
Week 11 – /wa/ – second, fifteen, five, fourteen
Week 12 – /th/ – spring, sunny, those, home
Week 13 – Consolidation
Week 14 /ie/ (tried) – tell, large, spell, still, saw
Week 15 – /ve/ (have) – own, small, something, live, give
Week 16 /g/ (gentle) – about, around, house, hour, side.

We will continue to work on our comprehension skills with our group reading books. As a class, we will continue to read ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ to help us to explore the Reflective Reading strategies. We look forward also to celebrating Book Week Scotland, reading and working with the stories in our “Read, Write, Count” bags. Another useful website relating to this. We will also be visting our local library. Thank you for supporting this by both volunteering on library trips and signing up to Aberdeen City Libraries.

This term we will be working on shape and money with Miss Bennett. With Mrs Murray we will continue to practise our 2x, 4x and 8x tables as well as continue our learning on telling the time to quarter past and quarter to.

Health and Wellbeing
We are very lucky that we will be continuing our lessons with RADs Football coaches on Tuesdays. We will be having our class P.E lessons with Miss Bennett and Michelle on Fridays. We continue to have daily fitness & co-ordination exercises as well as relaxing yoga exercises in the classroom; these demonstrate the importance of being active on a daily basis and the importance of giving our minds and bodies chance to rest and relax. Many of us continue to use our feelings wheel to express our feelings and to understand the feelings of others. Well done P3 for using this tool and thank you to parents for supporting your child with this.

We will continue our French language with Miss Bennett and Mrs Murray and our Mandarin lessons with Maia. So far we have learnt greetings, numbers 1- 10, class instructions and responding to “How are you?” We are enjoying our active lessons and do our best to practise what we have learnt daily.

Our topic this term is our Nativity “Hey Ewe!”. Pupils helped create a mind map of questions to guide our learning so that our learning is pupil centred. So far, we are 2 weeks into our topic and already we have learnt all the songs for our Nativity and many of us have started to memorise our lines.Primary 3 should be very proud of their achievement and they are demonstarting great dedication to their roles. We will continue to work on expression and our use of movement to tell a story that entertains our audience with Miss Bennett and Mrs Hutton. Mr Dawson will continue to support us in using our voice in music.

We started the term by exploring the lives of 5 saints and learning the “Eternal rest” prayer to remember our loved ones. We have made a book of remembrance and placed this on our altar for the month of Remembrance. For the remainder of the term, we will be looking at the Christmas story, especially the role of Joseph and Herod.

– There are several trips and events taking place this term. Please read the weekly newsletter, homework slips and Marvellous Me messages to keep updated.
– A gentle reminder that P.E kit is to be brought in on Mondays and taken home on Fridays. This will give your child a change of clothes when exercising. Marvellous Me badges are awarded to pupils wearing full P.E kit.
– We each took a photo of our targets for the term and these have been shared with families on Marvellous Me. Families are encouraged to support their child with their targets by talking about them; targets can be a conversation starter about their school day. Families can especially support their child with their home target and are encouraged to send in photos, writing or slideshows or some form of evidence of targets achieved to place in their Personal Learning folder.