P5 2019

Term 2 News

Primary 5 have been very busy this term, taking part in lots of exciting activities.


We were very lucky to have a visit from the Robogals who taught us about acids and bases. We got to do lots of fair testing to test if different substances were acids, bases or neutrals. We worked really well as a team.



Expressive Arts

We have been busy practising our panto songs for our school’s performance of “Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits”.  Primary 5 will act as part of the choir in the performance.

We were delighted to have a visit from Ms Hutton and we enjoyed creating our spooky scenes in our groups and performing them to the class.


This term in maths we are learning about measure. We were using different types of measuring tools to measure different lengths in the playground.


Outdoor learning

This term we are working with Grace Banks to experience some outdoor learning within our local environment. This week, we went to Seaton Park. On our way, we stopped at some landmarks within Old Aberdeen. We really enjoyed Grace sharing her knowledge about the local area. In Seaton Park, we searched for conkers. Then in groups, we created our own imaginative stories using props from nature.



We have been writing newspaper articles this term. This week, we were very lucky to take a trip to the cinema as part of “Into Film” week. We saw “Secret life of Pets 2”. Primary 5 gave the film a 5 star rating and we have been writing some film reviews.