Curriculum for ExcellenceP6/7 2019

P6/7 November Term 2

P6/7 are enjoying their learning and looking forward to all the Christmas events ahead.

Literacy – literacy lessons continue on a daily basis. These involve spelling, grammar, reflective reading, taught writing and listening and talking. Please support your child by encouraging them to read at home.

Numeracy – we have been learning about decimals, rounding decimals to the nearest whole number, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. Our next topic in numeracy will be money. We will be comparing costs to determine affordability within a given budget and learning about the benefits and risks of using bank cards and digital technologies. We will also look at profit and loss.

Topic – we have been learning about the EU. The children have enjoyed learning about how the EU was formed, what the EU policies are and determining which countries are members.

We are looking forward to performing in our school pantomime ‘ Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits.’ We will be practising a lot and will be working very hard to learn the words to all the songs.

 Gentle Reminders –

Homework is issued on a Monday and should be returned by Friday

All children should have a PE kit in school and a change of shoes