P2 2019Uncategorized

Primary 2

Primary 2 have been enjoying a busy few weeks back at school. Here are some of the fun things we have been up to so far!

We started the new year making promises to ourselves. We had a think about things we would like to get better at. We will revisit our promises soon to see if we have managed to keep them!


Our topic has been about Scotland, where we have been focusing on Scottish literature and the myth behind the Loch Ness Monster. We have loved learning about Nessie and created amazing acrostic poems about the legend. We engaged in home learning where we created posters including facts we have learned.


We have been busy learning our phonics sounds. For the ‘ow’ sound we created crowns and went on a sound hunt around our classroom!


To link in with our Scotland topic, we have been learning traditional Scottish dancing. We learned the dance ourselves first and then helped Primary 1 learn it too.

In football, our focus has been on speed and agility. We have been putting this into practice by having races to run as fast as we can! Congratulations to some of our class members who have received their Bronze certificates for all their hard work with Greg and Callum, our RADS coaches.


In maths we have been learning about the properties and features of 2D and 3D shapes. We have loved exploring tiling patterns and symmetry too.

Finally, a huge congratulations to one lucky Primary 2 who was a winner of the SCIAF calendar competition and has her picture published in the calendar! She travelled to Edinburgh to attend an award giving in the Scottish Parliament. She brought her prize in to show us all in assembly, Well Done!