P3 red 2019

Term3 P3R

Term 3

At the end of the second term we enjoyed our Christmas party, we played games, shared a meal together and received a little gift at the end.

During Achievement Assembly some children received certificates for their hard work and efforts to be Successful Learners, Effective Contributors, Responsible Citizens and Confident Individuals. We also shared our sign language skills and signed the days of the week in Makaton.

Well done!!!

Topic:This term we are learning about Scotland and Doric language.


R.E – We are preparing for our First Reconciliation. We are working with I Belong book and learning what “Reconciliation” and “penance” mean while exploring various stories from the Bible.

Numeracy – We are developing our skills of using analogue and digital clocks to tell the time and to talk about our routines and schedules.

Week 16 – 
Consolidation (‘ie’, ‘ve’, ‘g’) – tell, large, spell, still, saw, own, small, something, live, give, about, around, house, hour. side.
Week 17 – /ch/ (chorus) – any, body, carry, along, story.
Week 18 – /se/ (cheese) – back, bird, add, between, world.
Week 19 – /c/ (city) – city, icy, face, place, more.
Week 20 – Consolidation/ Assessment of phonemes so far.
Week 21 – /ea/ (break) – white, why, also, turn, great
Week 22 – /ou/ (would) – should, would, open, song, hard.
Week 23 – /ey/ (money) – read, call, even, fly, close.
Week 24 – Consolidation – /ea/, /ou/, /ey/ – white, why, also, turn, great, should, would, open, song, hard, read, call, even, fly, close.
Week 25 – /ie/ (field) – begin, follow, often, letter, woman.
Week 26 – /oe/ (toe) – write, answer, began, heat, page.
Week 27 – /ough/ (thought) – walk, water, picture, once, until.
Week 28 – Consolidation/ Assessment of phonemes so far.

Writing – We are writing our own acrostic poems and exploring Doric language. We are using the Reading Bus book ‘Fit Like Yer Majesty’ to enrich our knowledge and understanding of Doric.

P.E – We will be taking part in our annual ceilidh working with partners, increasing our confidence, rhythm and co-ordination in the process.

Technologies- We are developing our skills and increasing our confidence in using digital technologies to support our learning.

Languages: This term we will continue to learn Mandarin with Miss Chen We will also learn French and Makaton with Mrs Brulinska.

We were learning about Chinese New Year-  2020 the year of the Rat- Happy New Year!!!!!