P6/7 2019Uncategorized

P6/7 January and February 2020

This month P6/7 have enjoyed learning about Scots language. We have made our own ‘Scots Words’ book and have enjoyed learning and using new words in our everyday conversations.

We celebrated the birthday of Scotland’s most famous poet Robert Burns by participating in ceilidh dancing, reciting the poem ‘The Sair Finger’ by Walter Wingate and performing the Cha-Cha Slide in Scots.




February 2020


Our numeracy topic is time. We will be consolidating our previous learning with emphasis on vocabulary and practical tasks. Pupils will be reading and recording time in both 12 and 24 hour notation and will be able to convert between the two. We will be learning to carry out time conversions and to use and interpret a range of electronic and paper based timetables.


Taught writing will be linked with topic and pupils will be given the opportunity to write diary entries and instructions.

All pupils have an accelerated reader book and are encouraged to read every day.

Grammar lessons are taught on a weekly basis.



Our new topic will be ‘Victorian Scotland’. Pupils will be learning about life in Scotland during the reign of Queen Victoria. We will be looking at topics such as: famous inventors; transport; Victorian schools; factories; inventions etc.

Gentle Reminder

All children should have a gym kit available in school