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March learning – Primary 5

These are some of things we have planned for P5 to learn in March!


We are still working through our fractions, decimals and percentages topic. We still need to practise our times tables and division facts so please encourage your child to use Education City at home where possible to consolidate their learning.


We enjoyed reading our class novel “Stig of the Dump” and seeing Stig and Barney’s friendship grow. For World Book Day, we decorated our door.

We are learning about the features of newspaper articles and reporting on some of the important events in the life of Mary Queen of Scots.

Here is a look back on some of our February learning –

World Book Day

Our challenge this month in our class is to recommend books to our peers. To celebrate World Book Day, we brought in some of our favourite books to share with our class. It was lovely to see such a variety of genres and authors. For writing, we wrote some letters to our favourite authors.

We were able to watch “Authors Live” where we saw Michael Rosen, the author of “We’re going on a bear hunt”. He was just as entertaining as his books!

Science/Health and Wellbeing

Through outdoor learning, Primary 5 have developed a love for all things in nature. In science we had been learning about the structure of plants and the different parts. We have planted some of our own seeds .

We were delighted to get the opportunity to take part in a marine biology workshop. We learnt so much about life under the sea and got to take part in a wide range of learning opportunities.


Redball cricket has been great fun over the last few weeks, learning new skills in a sport that most of us didn’t know too much about. We look forward to continuing to improve our skills.

Primary 5 have been reminded of the importance of washing our hands and how germs and viruses spread. We worked co-operatively to conduct a science experiment demonstrating the importance of cleanliness to prevent the spread of germs.