Week 1 of Home Learning for Primary 7
Firstly well done and thank you to all the children and parents who have been online and sent work back and taken part in games and online activities. Thank you also for sharing photos on Google Classroom and with Mrs Martin. It is great to see how you are all getting on. Those who have not managed yet, we hope that you will join in next week for a little online learning. I hope you are all staying safe and staying home.
I will just share a selection of photos of work that has been sent in throughout the week to show what P7 have been getting up to while learning at home.
We continue with our Medieval Topic and created family coats of arms. Children had to choose colours and symbols to represent their family and write a paragraph to explain their choices. Well Done
P7 St Peters also joined in with the rainbow trail that I think is all over Scotland. Most children drew a rainbow and put it up on their windows so that when people do get out for their walk or jog, they can spot them in all areas. I certainly like looking out for new ones near me when I go for a walk each morning. Here are some examples.
P7’s have been researching sloths as our class novel is based in the amazon jungle and the children adopt a sloth. We also used Edinburgh Zoo’s webcams to observe live animals and make posters about the endangered animals. One family went over and above and discovered how to welcome some zoo animals into their home. Technology really is amazing.
P7’s also enjoyed using items from the recycling box in their homes to make a boat and test if it could carry 10 coins. Almost everyone enjoyed this learning challenge and sent back photos and videos on Google Classroom. We even got to meet a class pet Pepsi who is a bearded dragon and helped to test Julia’s boat! Here are some photos. Thank you to parents who helped. I can see from our Jam Board that your children really enjoyed sharing their learning with you this week.
P7 have used Google Jam Board to share ideas and answer questions. We have had class quizzes on Kahoot and also competed against each other on SumDog during the week.
They have learned about coding though an online game with Mr Campbell. Thank you very much for your help with this.
As we are preparing for Confirmation, pupils wrote out and decorated their Come Holy Spirit prayer to help them learn it off by heart.
P7 were asked to research the artist Ben Lewis Giles and create their own collages using his work as inspiration. Some children sent back their amazing creations.
We also joined with the colour wheel activity as a fun Friday activity to find items from around our home to make a colour wheel.
Sticking with the Rainforest theme, P7 had to research an Amazon tribe and create a poster or presentation today and also be creative and make some nature jewllery. Well done for all the hard work. I have loved seeing what you all came up with.
Thank you all. Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to all the creative home learning that happens next week.
Miss Rynne