P3 Blue 2019

P3 Blue Home learning

Here are some of the things we have been up to during week 2 of home learning. Thank you to our families for your continued support and effort in helping to support your child with their learning.

We continued measuring in maths and working with number. Some of us have been cooking with our families!

We have continued to use tools to support us in literacy. We hadĀ  a go at writing diary entries about the current situation; we were very descriptive. We have been reading for information and doing extra research on topics we are interested in.

We have been exploring some of the stories from Holy Week in more detail, thinking about the experience in theĀ  Garden of Gethsemane and the characters of Pilate and Joseph of Arimathea. One of our pupils even made a video for her classmates to share how to make a folded Palm Cross ready for Palm Sunday. She was a leader of learning.


Many of our classmates have been sharing drawings to celebrate spring and to practise our French colours.

Overall, we are enjoying and engaging with home learning and most importantly, making the most of time with our families!

Have a happy, safe and blessed Easter break.


Miss Bennett