P3 Blue 2019

P3B Home Learning Week 6

Last week we continued our learning on fractions, thinking about “equivalent” fractions, what this means and how it can help us when we are ordering fractions by size.

In phonics we worked with the ‘u’ sound and explored word families and how we can make words with ‘u’ bigger.

We have continued our Google Meetings to share our reading book together and to support us with completing activities and we enjoy sharing our learning. In science we have been keeping a diary of our plants’ growth and as you can see, some are growing extremely well!

We continued exploring Mary and her “yes” to God when she accepted being the Mother of Christ at the annunciation and we reflected on this “yes” with the first Joyful Msytery when we prayed a decade of the Rosary. We have been working to create prayer spaces for the month of May and you can see some examples of the artwork we created to help us honour Mary.

In topic, we have really got into the swing of guiding our own learning by choosing activities and learning material from our topic grid. We have been producing high quality work to demonstrate what we have learnt and have shared our work to create a class slideshow to showcase our learning. I wonder if you can tell from the pictures which countries we are focusing on this week? It looks like we have enjoyed getting creative!

If you said Australia & New Zealand you are correct!

All the while, P3B pupils remind us why we are learning at a distance and that little things can spread great joy and that through doing this, we are living our school values.


Well done P3B! You continue to make me proud with your great efforts and continued enthusiasm. A huge thank you to your families for making this possible!

Take care,
Miss Bennett