P1 2020-2021

Welcome to Term 2 in Primary 1

We have had a very busy start to Term 2 with lots of learning already. Here is what we have been learning in the first week of term. We made some apple and pear bird feeders using pears we found in our school garden. We had to concentrate to push in the sunflower and pumpkin seeds for the birds to enjoy. We all really liked doing this task and some people took some bird feeders to hang on their way home from school in the park.


We continue to learn 2 new sounds a week and practise how to form these letters. We enjoy listening to the jolly phonics songs and joining in with the actions. We also like using our play dough, writing in the sand, using chalk outdoors and mini whiteboards and pens to practise these letters and words we are learning. Here are just a few photos:

We have also listened to the story “The Dot” when we were learning the letter d. We created our own dot pictures and also drew around one of our P1’s to re-create the front cover of the book but gave the child a St Peter’s uniform! Have a look:

We continue to enjoy lots of Outdoor Learning this term. Remember to dress for all weathers as we will continue to go outside. We enjoy free play in the school garden where we can play with the water and leaves or the sticks and mud kitchen. We also enjoy making as many sand castles as possible and counting them. Miss Rynne challenged us to make a leaf dress and some super leaf capes. We thought that was lots of fun and can’t wait to take them to the garden. We also used some of the autumn leaves to make our own hedgehogs for our classroom wall and we had another fun session with RADS football where we did some team games and exercises.

Here are some of the other things we have been up to so far this term. We like creating new tracks for the cars and vehicles in our classroom and we are continuing with our number work.

Primary 1 look forward to a great term 2 where school is not so new and we know most of the routines.

Thank you to parents for supporting pupils to use Google Classroom to share photos of homework and also for accessing Education City.