P2 2020-2021

P2 class news.

P2 have almost finished their block of learning about data handling.
Last week we had lots of of fun coming up with survey questions, with options. We then went round the class to ask each other our questions.

We recorded answers into a tally chart and then used the tally chart to make bar graphs. We learned to give our bar graph a title and to label each of the bars.

This week we have been learning about carroll diagrams. We had lots of fun making real life carroll diagrams on the carpet.

For the rest of this term we will be going back to learn more about number processes.

We have started a block of learning to write letters. When we were learning about our Rocketmole book we watched a video about a lonely man on the moon. Last week we decided to write letters to the man on the moon. We learned where the address goes on a letter, how to start and end a letter and we made sure to ask the man on the moon some questions about living on the moon. We will continue to extend our learning about letter writing over the next few weeks.

The Owl who was afraid of the dark.
Chapter 4 of our book is called “Dark is necessary”. We wondered what the word necessary meant, but by the time we had listened to the chapter we were able to explain what necessary means. We then had a super discussion about things that are necessary in our lives.

Chapter 4 is called “Dark is fascinating”. Plop meets a lady he called “The Father Christmas lady”. She told him that she loves learning about nocturnal animals. We watched a video with lots of facts in it about hedgehogs. We were able to tell Miss MacDonald lots of things that we had learned about hedgehogs from the video. We then learned how to draw a hedgehog from scratch.

In our writing lesson this week we pretended that we were Plop! We wrote a letter to “The Father Christmas lady” to tell her what we had learned about hedgehogs from the video. The children were able to use their learning about hedgehogs to help them to write the letter.

Last week we learned about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. We couldn’t believe that the lamp that was only supposed to burn for one night burned for 8 nights. We made our own Menorahs to remind us of the story.

For the rest of this term our topic lessons will be focused on Advent and Christmas.
This week we made our own Advent calendar. We each made a number card, drew a Christmas picture on the front and wrote a special Advent challenge on the back. There are lots of challenges for us to complete as we go through Advent in school.

We learned about the Annunciation this week. We read in the Bible that this is when the angel Gabriel visited Mary to tell her that she was going to have a special baby who was the Son of God. We looked at some pieces of art representing this story and then created our own picture of the Bible story.

Christmas performance
We have been working really hard to practise our P2 Christmas play. We are looking forward to filming it next week and then sharing the video with our parents later in the term.

Thank you for all your support.
Miss MacDonald.