P7K 2020-2021

December in P7K

December in P7K

We have loved being back at school and can’t believe that it is the end of term 2! We have had a great time getting ready for our Christmas holidays and have enjoyed our Christmas lunch and party. We have been talking about our learning this month and would like to share this with you.

Topic – Our Spiritual World

We had great fun learning about world religions and comparing them to Christianity. We can recognise some of the main symbols and artefacts from many faiths such as Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism etc. We were very interested to find out about religious festivals and celebrations, such as Hanukkah and Diwali. (Kuba and Jane)

We made our own Jesse tree. We hang a new decoration on the tree every day of Advent. Each decoration tells a story from the Bible. (Jack)

Maths – Patterns and Sequences, Shape

We have been learning about 2 and 3 dimensional shapes. We have created 3-D festive stars from nets and used them as decorations! We can explain what a polygon is and identify and name triangles.

We have been learning about patterns and sequences. We enjoyed learning about the Pascal Triangle and Fibonacci Sequences. (Michael)


In Reflective Reading we have been learning how to create a comic strip to retell the main events of a story. (Michael)

We have written letters of apology, created logos, emails of thanks and interviewed new employees to work for our company P7K. It was a lot of fun (Jane)

This is just a small example of our learning and we are looking forward to learning new things when we come back to school in January.

P7K wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!