P7M 2020-2021


Some of the P7M pupils have written our website post to keep you all informed with recent goings on in our class.


In maths we learned about patterns and sequences. We looked at equal and unequal sequences and how an equal sequence repeats and an unequal sequence does not. We enjoyed getting to know more about Pascal’s Triangle and how you add two numbers from the top to get the number at the bottom. Overall we learnt many new things and expanded our minds. We made informative posters to summarise what we learnt during the topic – Maisie and Adam.


Our topic in P7M is ‘Our Spiritual World’. We have been studying various religions like Buddhism and Islam. For homework we have been doing presentations on the religions we have been learning. We have learnt that these religions are all over the world. It was interesting to see the similarities and differences between different religions. Each religion has its stepping stones to enable you to become a full member. We created different works of art which are traditional to each religion and studied different symbols closely – Faizan, Luca and Ola M.


In coding we‘ve recently been doing the snowman coding competition. We help each other with the code so the snowman can move. It’s really fun to create an animation and we have realised that even one small animation step needs many lines of code – Natalia.


In art we made Christmas trees out of card, glitter and wool. We also made snowmen out of paper. We have them on our walls in our classroom and they turned out amazing. We also picked names out of a hat to create a Christmas cards for someone in our class and we will display these in our classroom and post pictures of them on Google classroom. Shhh we haven’t shared them yet! – Ola W, Wiki and Inez.


We have recently been doing reflective reading activities on the new John Lewis advert. It was really good to hear different opinions on the theme of the advert which we agreed was about showing kindness. We thought it was especially relevant as we close the door on 2020. We have also been creating Google slides on Christmas around the world where we have researched a country which celebrates Christmas in a way which is different to how we celebrate it. It was great to learn about different traditions – Clinton and Aiden.


Each week of advent we have had a different focus for the week, which begins with an assembly with Mrs Martin. So far we have focused on Isaiah – the promise of God, John the Baptist preparing the way and most recently Joseph joyfully caring for Mary. It has been a nice calm way to prepare for Christmas – P7M

Thank you for reading our website post and we hope you have a safe and Merry Christmas.