P2 2021-2022

Term 1 in Primary 2!

We looked at our rights as a child and created a Rainbow of Rights for our classroom.

Welcome to Primary 2! We have been enjoying a very fun and busy term so far, here are some of the activities we have been doing.


In Literacy this term we have been learning how to write an invitation and sequence some of our favourite stories. We have been learning a new sound every week and engage in active and written activities to help us learn them. We have also completed reflective reading tasks on ‘The Colour Monster’ which we have read as part of Health and Wellbeing. We enjoy reading books with our class teacher every week and talking about what we have read.


In Numeracy this term we have been learning all about number. We have been enjoying activites to help us add and subtract, order numbers from smallest to biggest and looking at numbers before and after. We complete a range of active and written activities in class and some outdoor learning where we love going on number hunts in the school garden.

Health and Wellbeing

We are very lucky to have 2 RADS sessions with Callum every week. Our focus this term has been on balance and controlling the ball. We look forward to hearing who has won a RADS point each session! We have class P.E once a week with Miss Watson and have also been learning about our feelings this term. We have read ‘The Colour Monster’ and completed lots of fun activities to help us identify our feelings and how to cope with them.

Other Curricular Areas

Miss Binkowicz teaches us Science and Technologies every Wednesday morning. Miss Hamilton has been singing with us every Thursday and we love doing the actions to the songs. Our topic this term has been ‘People who help us’ where we have learned about people who help us at home and in school, the police and firefighters. We are looking forward to learning about more people who help us! We also engage in French, R.E and art lessons weekly.

It has been a great first term and we have all settled into Primary 2 extremely well. We are looking forward to lots more fun in Primary 2!