P1M 2021-2022

January class news in P1M

Welcome back to school! It has been so lovely to see the children back after the Christmas holidays.

Before the holidays we had a lovely Christmas party, the children enjoyed playing games together and eating some party food! We also enjoyed eating our special Christmas lunch in the hall.

In December the children learned about subtraction and worked very hard to show their understanding of the concept. The children also learned about symmetry with a special Christmas theme.

In RE the children learned about the story of the Nativity. They used their learning to order the Nativity story.

The children worked very hard to make wonderful bird feeders for our “World of work” school fayre. The children enjoyed learning about wildlife in our bookbug book “My first wildlife book”. They learned about the jobs of authors and illustrators and chose animals to include when making their own books. We didn’t want to sell our special books at the fayre, and so made bird feeders since we learned that birds find it difficult to find food in the winter.

Last week we created some lovely 2022 calendars. We chose our favourite special paper and made a collage of the numbers 2022.

We learned about the Epiphany. The children participated very well in Mass and were excited to sing their special Christmas carol “It was on a starry night”. The children created some lovely pictures of the three kings following the star to visit Baby Jesus.

We have been learning about the numbers 11-20 and beyond. The children have enjoyed catching fish and reading out the numbers on them.

This term in maths we will also be learning about time and money.

For the first part of this term our topic is “Our cultural Scotland”, we are going to be learning about the music, art, culture and food of Scotland. We will then start a new topic about “Our Historical Scotland” where we will learn about our local area, Old Aberdeen.