P5 2021-2022

What we are learning in Term 3

Happy New Year to you all. Here is a look at some of the learning happening in the Primary 5 classroom this term!


We have started the term off with our fractions topic. We have been comparing and ordering fractions, finding fractions of a quantity, creating sets of equivalent fractions and writing fractions in simple form. Every week fractions based activities are assigned on Ed city in the class work section. This can be used to support learning at home.


Lots of our literacy activities have linked to “Our Cultural World” topic. We have been building on our Scots vocabulary, translating famous Scottish poems from Scots to English and writing our own paragraphs in Scots. We have been learning and writing our own poetry too!


We are loving our Scotland topic this term. We have been learning some Scottish ceilidh dancing, about the geography of Scotland and famous food and drink that comes from Scotland. We have also been learning famous Scottish artists and using this to inspire our own artwork. We are busy preparing for our Burns competition and look forward to taking part.

Other curricular areas

in R.E we have been looking at Mark’s gospel and learning about some of the miracles of Jesus. With Mrs Jadid in science, we have been learning about different forms of energy. In P.E. we will be looking at possessive games focusing on netball initially. We also look forward to starting our class novel in the next few weeks.

We are delighted to welcome our student teacher, Miss Berube, to our class and looking forward to working with her over the coming weeks.

Thanks for your continued support.