P2 2021-2022

Recent Learning in Primary 2

We have been busy learning lots of new things this term and having lots of fun!


In maths we have been learning about money. We enjoyed exploring paying for items and giving change. We have moved onto time and so far have been learning about the days of the week and months of the year. We have also learned o’clock, half past and quarter past.


We have been very busy learning new sounds each week in phonics. In writing, we have been learning to write fact files, diary entries and are moving on to writing character descriptions. We have also been using Kung Fu Punctuation to help remind us where a full stop and capital letter goes.


Our new topic is Granny’s Attic’ where we are looking what life in Scotland was like for Granny Morag. We have looked and compared toys, schools and will soon be looking at fashion and music! We are really enjoying this topic so far.

We can’t wait to share more learning with you soon!