P5 2021-2022

What P5 will be learning in Term 4

It’s hard to believe we are in our final term of this academic year. Here is some of the topics P5 will be learning in the coming weeks.


This term we will be finishing our class novel “The BFG”. Michael Murpurgo’s “Running Wild” will be used as a resource for some of our reflective reading tasks in the weeks ahead, which links to our topic “Our Natural World”.

Our writing this term will also be linked to our topic; covering persuasive writing styles, non chronological reports and descriptive writing.

We will continue our spelling, VCOP, grammar and comprehension activities on a daily basis.


This week we are starting our data handling topic in maths, learning about gathering data and presenting it in different types of charts and graphs such as block graphs, pictograms, line graphs, bar charts, venn and carroll diagrams.

Activities will be posted on education city on a weekly basis to support learning at home.


This term, our whole school context is “Our Natural World”. Our focus will be forests and jungles. We will be learning about where different types of forests are located and the climate in these locations. We will also learning about the rainforest layers, plants and animals that live in these habitats and environmental issues that link to these areas. We also been planting lot of different seeds within the classroom and on the school grounds. We are looking forward to documenting their growth.

This topic lends itself to lots of curricular areas and so our science, writing and expressive arts lessons will be based on this concept.

Health and wellbeing

Rads lessons will continue to take place on Mondays and Thursday.

Gym lessons will be on Tuesday afternoons.


We had a brilliant Easter Monday filled with amazing activities, arts, crafts and chocolate treats. Thanks so much for your generosity in sponsoring our “Bunny Hop”.

Earth day was a huge success. We had a technology free day where possible giving us lots of opportunities for outdoor learning. We create some art work using recycled newspapers and made our own earth day pledges. We also had students from the university delivering a workshop on “Marine biology” which was great fun.

Homework will be handed out on a Monday and due in on the Friday.

Thank you for your on going support!