P1M 2021-2022

P1M class news

P1 have been very busy since coming back from the Easter holidays.

We had a great start to the term during our Easter fun day, we enjoyed baking, an Easter egg hunt, the sponsored bunny hop, and doing lots of Easter crafts.

We learned about how to look after our planet on Earth day. We enjoyed lots of outdoor learning opportunities on this day and also made pledges of things that we are going to try to do to look after the Earth.

April’s Active Adventure day had a farmyard theme. The countryside classroom bus came into the school grounds. We learned a lot about the different foods that are found on farms. We also got to meet some newborn lambs and give them a cuddle! We loved making lifesized scarecrows for the garden, the hay was lots of fun to play in too. We created our own farms in the tuff trays outside. In the afternoon we designed new stones for the fairy garden and played some fun parachute games.

In maths we have been learning to create and interpret graphs. We worked together to create graphs of our shoes, eye colour and even favourite ice cream flavours. On Earth day we went to the front gate to count the types of traffic that drove down Kings Street, we used our tally mark making skills to record our findings.

We have just started a unit learning about Fractions.

We are continuing our Reading lessons every day and are becoming more confident readers and writers. We enjoy going to our reading classrooms and working with some of the children in P1R during reading lessons.

We are using the skills taught during Read, Write, Inc lessons to help us to learn to write independently during reflective reading lessons. This term we have enjoyed listening to a story and then using it as a stimulus for our writing. So far have invented our own helpful robots and written about what they would do to help us, we read a story where the main character always wore crazy hats, we designed and then described our own crazy hat. We are now learning to continue a story. This week we read a story where the main character was stranded on an igloo. We had to write what we thought was going to happen next, it was interesting to read the rest of the story once we had finished writing to see if any of our guesses were right!

Our first whole school IDL focus this term is “Our Natural World”. Primary one are learning about Cold landscapes. We conducted a weather survey each day on one week to learn about the weather that we have in Scotland in Spring. We had lots of fun learning to be weather forecasters, using our knowledge of the geography of Scotland to describe the weather we thought would be happening in different parts of Scotland.

We enjoyed learning about where the cold places in our world are. We used a giant floor map to put “snow” in the parts of the Earth that are the coldest. We then sorted animals into animals that live in hot countries and cold countries.

For the last 2 weeks we have been learning about the Arctic. We learned about the life of the Inuit people that live in the Arctic, we learned about the types of clothes that they need to wear to keep warm, and how they fish for food.

We have loved learning about the Polar bear and Narwhal. We couldn’t believe that Polar bears have black skin!! We think that Narwhals look magical but learned that their horn is actually a long tooth that is 3 meters long. We worked out that 3 meters is the same length as two P1’s and a doll!

We are also going to be learning about the Antarctica. We will be comparing it to the Arctic and learning about some of the animals that live there. Later in the topic we will be learning about the impact of Global warming on the Arctic and Antarctic, and think about what we can do to help.

In R.E we have been revisiting the events of Holy week and Easter. During May we are learning about how important Mary is. We have been designing and making beautiful flowers to decorate our May Altar for Mary.