P7 2021-2022

Term 4 In Primary 7

Primary 7 are very excited for this coming term. We cannot believe how quickly the previous three terms have passed and we look forward to an exciting final few months at St. Peter’s R.C. Primary School!

Here is a brief overview of this term’s learning –


Reading opportunities will continue on a daily/weekly basis. We will be finishing our class novel ‘The Explorer’ and look forward to more Reflective Reading opportunities this will bring. Pupils are encouraged to read their Accelerated Reading books on a daily basis.

Writing – our writing this term will be closely linked to our new topic ‘Deserts and Grasslands a Comparative Study.’ Pupils will be learning how to write reports, persuasive brochures, fact files, diary entries and imaginative stories.

Listening and Talking – Pupils continue to have the opportunity to present their learning at assembly on a weekly basis. They will also be presenting their own IDL learning to the class and potentially to a wider audience.


This term we will be learning about expressions and equations. We will be using our knowledge of number facts to solve problems where an unknown value is represented by a symbol or letter.

Later on in the term we will be learning about properties of 2 and 3 dimensional shapes. We will be learning about the specific vocabulary to use when describing these properties accurately. We will be investigating and discussing where and why particular shapes are used in the environment.

Interdisciplinary Learning

This term the school’s focus for interdisciplinary learning is ‘Our Natural World.’ Primary 7 will be specifically learning about the desert and grassland biomes. They will be comparing the two different areas looking at aspects such as climate, wildlife, soil type, location etc.


Transition – Transition activities will continue to ensure that our pupils are prepared and ready for the move from primary to secondary school.

Sacrament of Confirmation – Enrolment mass will be held in May with the Sacrament to follow in June. All details will be shared through Groupcall and emails.

Residential Trip to Tomintoul – We are very excited to be going away on our residential trip to Tomintoul later in May. There are lots of exciting learning opportunities as well as fun activities for us to experience!