Eco Committee

Eco Committee meeting.

We were very busy during our second meeting. We were working in different groups on preparing a plan of action for the future.

We discussed the necessity of sharing our work with the rest of the school and decided to create two display boards- one in the main building and one in the annex, which will allow us to display our work for others to see. As you can see we have already started working on both displays.

We also discussed how we can encourage others to save water and energy at school. We decided to prepare signs, which will remind everyone to switch off the lights and turn off the taps. We made many designs and after reviewing all of them we will choose our favourite ones, which will appear around the school.

Finally, we spoke about taking notes during our meetings and having speakers for our group. We are very lucky to have people who volunteered to take notes during our meetings. Big thank you to all of you.