P5 2022-2023

P5 Term 4 update

Welcome to our P5 term 4 update, we hope you enjoy reading about our learning so far this term.


We have been learning all about time so far in term 4. We can reads and records time in both 12 hour and 24 and converts between the two. We have also studied different units of time and can convert between different units such as hours to minutes and minutes to seconds. Next we will learn to interpret a range of electronic and paper-based timetables to plan events or activities and solve real life problems.


We have been writing, creating artwork and using props to get into character this week whilst learning about the titanic. We also read and explored artefacts from the library such as a replica newspaper from the morning after the tragedy happened and Morse Code machines which was the method of communication between ships. We worked in our cooperative learning groups to create a giant replica Titanic which now sits proudly on our classroom wall. Each group had responsibility for a different part of the ship and groups had to check in with other groups to make sure measurements were similar for when we pieced the ship together. It will be well worth a visit on our class open afternoon!


Our writing is based on Titanic and we have written newspaper articles about the aftermath of the crash, diary entries of survivors and written and presented google slides on the biographies real life survivors.

Thank you for visiting our website, please remember that weekly updates are posted on google classroom.