P6 2022-2023

P6 Term 4

Welcome back!

This post has been put together by Abigail, Aurelia Za, Ini and Mikayeel to show some of the things we are learning at the moment and things we are looking forward to.

In P.E this term we have been doing gymnastics. We have been learning about movement and balance. Last time we got to make words with our body. Soon we will start athletics, getting ready for Sports day at Aberdeen sports village. I am looking forward to having our sports day but also don’t want to finish gymnastics. By Abigail

This term we had a chance to go swimming. In our  groups we’ve been learning how to float like a star , we had pool noodles to try paddling. In the other group they were practising front crawl with a kickboard. The third group were trying to swim with the pool noodles. It was so fun for this opportunity for the swimming lessons. I really want to go again! By Aurelia

At the beginning of the term we visited the Library. The visit was  amazing. We met a very cool Author named Jakie Ross and she told us a story of one of her most famous books about “Scotland’s best football players” called Denis Law and Rose Reilly. The book was written in Doric ( A scottish dialect). Even if it was written in a dialect that not everyone understood that was OK because luckily for us Jackie Ross was able to Interpret it into English. “Denis Law and Rose Reilly were both exceptional players” according to what Jackie Ross  told us , they both had humble beginnings and were fantastic at football, making them Scotland’s best footballers ever. By Ini

I am loving learning about information handling this term in maths. My favourite part was the line graphs which were very fun to do. I also loved frequency charts which were very entertaining to do. One activity i really loved was the bar charts we drew because we converted the frequency table into bar charts. By Mikayeel

I really enjoyed the drama we did when we pretended to be parents and children preparing for evacuation during world war two. We are making a time machine and when the parents come we will show our work. We got a suitcase from the library full of replicas of what a child would bring when they evacuate. I’m looking forward to when our parents visit and look at our lapbooks. By Mikayeel

We also visted the archives which were a storeroom of old books located in the annexe. The archives were cold because, they had to keep the books in good condition. The archives had lots of information such as a logbook and the head teachers diary. We went to have a look at these for our school’s 190th Birthday. In conclusion the archive visit was wonderful and I would love to go again.