P4 2022-2023

Welcome to term 4 in P4.

It’s been a very busy and very enjoyable beggining of the new term in P4.

We started the new term with a visit to a Aberdeen Sports Village, where we took part in RADS festival. It was an amazing experience working with so many children from different schools and enjoying football together.


We started our new IDL this term ‘ A Trip in a Time Machine’. We voted for the period of time we would like to explore and the majority of votes went to the Vikings. We started learning about their customs, culture, way of life and religion. We enjoy all the active learning.


We are very proud of our school and its history. We celebrated 190th birthday of St Peter’s by visiting the school’s museum and having birhtday celebrations in our class. If you would like to find out more please follow the link.

We also celebrated king’s coronation as a school. We were learning about the monarchy and its traditions.