Eco group meeting.
Eco group has been working very hard on Primary Environmental Review for the Green Flag. It’s a very lengthy document which contains sections devoted to various aspects of protecting and caring for the environment. The review helps us identify the good things that our school is already doing for the environment. It also helps us think about all the amazing things we have done on our Eco-School journey and the impact our actions have had on our school!
As always our scribes have been taking minutes of our meeting and completing the register. This time, we have been looking at Waste and Healthy Living topics, and discussing them as a team.
We have also chosen the winning designs of ‘switch the light off’ and ‘ turn the tap off’ posters which will be distributed to all the classrooms during the next assembly. As a group, we have also decided that every class should choose an eco person weekly who shall be responsible for turning lights off, making sure the taps are off when not used, and for looking after any plants in the classroom.
Eco group has also moved all the plants from the annexe building into various parts of the playground.