P1W 2023-2024

Welcome to P1W!

Primary 1W have had a super first week of school and have settled in brilliantly. We have been busy learning new routines, exploring our new classroom and making lots of new friends!


This term we will be learning new sounds using the Read, Write, Inc programme. We will also explore writing through our play where we have a writing and role play area giving us the opportunities to write, draw and mark make.


In numeracy we will be learning to read, recognise and write numbers. We will also be exploring numbers before/after, more/less, missing numbers, ordering and addition.

Interdisciplinary Learning

Our topic this term is ‘We Belong’ where we will be learning about people who help us in our community. We are really looking forward to learning about emergency services, health care workers and all the people who help us at school!

Health and Wellbeing

We will be keeping active through our RADS and P.E lessons and taking part in Active Adventure days. We are already excited for our Superhero theme active adventure day soon! This term our Health and Wellbeing focus is being safe and healthy. We will be learning about how to stay safe and healthy through out ‘People who help us’ topic. We will be learning how to keep our teeth and bodies healthy and how to stay safe when crossing the road.

Other News

We loved our first singing lesson with Mrs Hamilton and look forward to her visiting our class every Wednesday.

We look forward to sharing photos and new with you soon,

Miss Watson and P1W