P2/3 2023-2024

End of Term 1 – P2/3

It has been a busy term for P2/3! The learners have settled in well to their new class routines and lots of new learning. We hope you have a lovely October holiday.

Contexts for Learning

The class have been developing many skills throughout our contexts for learning. They especially loved their Superhero Active Adventure day and learning about what makes their classmates unique, through class talks and writing a class book! More recently, we have been using cooperative learning roles to help us work collaboratively to create inventions. So far we have designed a car from the future and an object that will help to do different jobs (such as teachers, police officers and doctors). We are excited to use materials to create an invention to take to our school’s Dragon’s Den.

St Peter’s Parade

As part of our ‘We Belong’ context for learning we took part in a school parade, celebrating the diversity of our school. It was great to see everyone come together with banners, headbands and flags displaying the different nationalities within our school.


In Literacy this term, we have been learning to write nonfiction books and write instructions. The class have shown their confidence in differentiating between fiction and nonfiction stories and have been discussing the differences during our daily story sessions We are using the strategies we have been learning in Read Write Inc to apply our literacy skills across the curriculum.


In Numeracy, we have been using a maths mastery approach to learning to understand place value and 2D shapes. We have used the partitioning method and Base 10 materials to help us do this. We have also looked at how 2D shapes can be identified all around us and have sides, corners and angles. Next term we will continue to build on this knowledge, moving on to 3D shapes and telling the time.

Maths Week:

We had a successful maths week, developing a various range of numeracy skills throughout the exciting activities set.

Roots of Empathy

We are so excited to have been the class selected to take part in the Roots of Empathy programme. We cannot wait to meet our tiny teacher – Baby Juliet – next term and have been learning some of her favourite songs and making predictions about what she will be able to do.

Health and Well-being

We will be moving on to Nurturing and Achieving next term, following learning about ways that we can be Safe and Healthy. To do this, we have learnt about features of our environment that keep us safe and good food hygiene. We used the laptops to explore Google Maps and managed to identify the role that traffic lights and zebra crossings play in keeping us safe near roads. We also were able to apply our knowledge of food hygiene when we baked for our class Macmillan party, discussing what we need to do before baking and where certain ingredients would be stored and why.