P6 2023-2024

Term 1 – Complete!

Primary 6 have enjoyed a very busy Term 1. Read on to find out what we have been learning and what skills we have been developing since our last update…


Since our last update, we have been learning to write recounts. We benefitted from having two fantastic experiences to write about: the School Talent Show and the wonderful Aberdeen Education Mass. For this we practised writing in chronological order, using sequential language and understanding the difference between a recount and a review. During our action adventure day last week we were baking treats for the Macmillan Coffee Morning, so we used that experience to practice writing instructions by writing out the recipes we used.

Maths & Numeracy

In Maths we have been learning about and sharing the different strategies we can use for addition and subtraction for numbers up to 4 digits. We then moved on to rounding, leaning how to round to the nearest ten/hundred/thousand. With Mrs Kelman we have been learning about Data Handling.

We thoroughly enjoyed Scottish Maths Week, when we had lots of opportunities to put our learning into practice in fun challenges and activities, but also learn in an active way.

Health & Wellbeing

Primary 6 were invited to an exciting event at the Aberdeen Sports Village – a city-wide celebration of running, “Go Run For Fun” in collaboration with The Daily Mile Organisation. Over 2000 children from across Aberdeen ran for 10 minutes around the outdoor athletics track. We really enjoyed the atmosphere and showed great determination, participating fully. The best part was seeing friends from other schools and how we all cheered each other on in encouragement.

Interdisciplinary Learning

This term we have experienced two Contexts for Learning. The first, “We Belong” culminated in our Harvest assembly in from of the whole school and P6 parents. We shared our research on the significance of Harvest and why we say “thank you” to God. As part of this, we organised a collection for a local foodbank which helps people in our community who are in need. Thank you so much to everyone who donated, it is very much appreciated.

We are beginning to learn about “Inventors and Inventions”. We have been researching young inventors who have designed products which either made the world a better place or helped improved people’s lives. We recently experienced innovative technology during our “GPS Treasure Hunt” in Seaton Park.

We are looking forward to more fun learning in Term 2! Thank you for reading.

Primary Six.