P6 2023-2024

Welcome to Term Three

Welcome to Term 3, Primary Six! We have a very full and fun term planned!


This term our taught writing will be focusing on poetry, journalistic writing, imaginative writing, letter writing and report writing. These pieces will be linked to our Contexts for Learning, so that means Scottish Poetry, Scottish Tales, newspaper articles of festival events, and science reports, amongst others. We will continue to work on our spelling, grammar and reflective reading strategies. As a class we will read the novel “Wonder” by RJ Palacio and apply our reflective reading strategies to this book.

Maths and Numeracy 

In Term 3 we will be learning about time, including looking at calculating durations and using timetables to plan. We will then move on to strategies for multiplication and division. Please practice your times tables as much as you can at home!

Contexts for Learning / Interdisciplinary Learning. 

Our first context for learning is “Let’s Celebrate!” We will be learning about Robert Burns and Scottish culture. There is a Burns Expressive Arts competition, a Highland Games themed Active Adventure Day, a school Ceilidh and a Class Burns Supper. P6 are also very lucky to be participating in Scottish Music Week, where we will have the opportunity to work with musicians to learn how to play traditional Scottish instruments.

The second context this term is “How’s The Weather?” We will be learning about extreme weather, climate, conducting science experiments, reporting on the weather and weather-related art. We will also participate in Science Week during 11th – 15th March.

Other Curricular Areas / Specialists

Specialists – We will be working with Mr Horton this term on Music and continue to learn Mandarin with Anne on Wednesdays. Mrs Kelman will continue to teach us French on Wednesdays. RADS will continue on Tuesdays and PE on Thursdays. Please dress appropriately for PE and RADs and bring water bottle. We are very lucky this term to be going to Aberdeen Sports Village for PE for 5 weeks. We will be learning how to play small ball sports.


Homework will continue to be posted on Google Classroom every Monday. It will include a reading book (assigned on Boost website) and numeracy homework assigned on Education City. This term there is Scottish – themed home learning for everyone to try – take a look!

A slide will be shared on the Google Classroom each Friday to show what we have been learning each week. 

I am really looking forward to this busy term!