P2 2023-2024

Term 3 learning in P2

Happy new year!

Children will be continuing with their Learning to Read groups 4 times a week. On our writing day, the children will first be focus on an imaginative writing block. The children will be learning to use their imagination to create a Scottish adventure story. They will be focused on including interesting details into their description of the characters and what happens in the adventure.

Our next writing block will have a non-fiction focus on Functional writing. The children will be using the “How’s the weather” context for these functional reports.

The children will continue to use the “How’s the weather” context to write acrostic poems in the next writing block.

Finally, the children will learn to write about something that they have experienced and describe what they have been learning, through a block of personal writing.

For the first two weeks of term the class will be continuing lessons on telling the time, using analogue and digital clocks. The children will be learning to tell the time confidently to half past, some children will then go on to tell the time using quarter past times.

The class will then do a block of lessons on subtraction. The children will learn to use a number of strategies (counting on from the smaller number, counting back from the bigger number) to learn about subtracting numbers. The children will continue to use numicon, counters and number lines to support their learning within subtraction. We will firstly look at subtraction within 20, going up to 100 for some pupils.

During this term the children will also have one lesson a week on Data handling. This will be linked to IDL context for learning lessons when possible, for example, creating pictograms of favourite Scottish food following a food tasting in class.

The first IDL context for learning is “Let’s celebrate”. The children will be learning about the Scottish Burns celebrations, including learning songs, poems and ceilidh dances. Within art lessons they will be learning about the Scottish artist Steven Brown and will be replicating his “McCoo” art. The pupils will be contrasting this learning with learning about the Indian Kite festival that takes place in many Indian cities in January. They will be working in groups to design and then test our own kites in a special P2 and P2/3 Kite festival. The pupils will also be learning about some traditional Indian instruments and styles of dance.

The next context will take place from 29th January to the end of term. This context is called “How’s the weather”, Primary two will be learning to become weather reporters to report on the “Wild weather” that takes place in Scotland in the Spring. They will become science investigators when they create weather experiments for the garden. The pupils will also learn to record the weather on a range of graphs, and look for patterns with the weather.

Health and Wellbeing.
Mrs Kelman will continue with our Tuesday health and wellbeing lessons. The SHANARRI wellbeing indicators that the children will be learning about are Included, Respected and Responsible.

Within P.E. lessons, in January the children will be learning about dance. They will first learn 2 ceilidh dances that will be performed at the School ceilidh. They will then learn about the Bollywood style of dance, to link with our Indian Kite festival IDL lessons. In February the children will further develop their gymnastics skills. They will be learning about different ways to travel, jump and roll. The children will work together to create simple sequences of these moves. In March the children will learn to develop their ball skills through tennis lessons.