P6 2023-2024

Welcome to Term Four!

Contexts for Learning / Interdisciplinary Learning. 

Our first context for learning is “Silver City by the Sea” We will be learning about Aberdeen and it’s maritime and industrial history. We have a very exciting visit to Aberdeen Airport planned. We will also be visited by Deacon Duncan, who will be teaching us about the important work that Stella Maris do to help seafarers in Aberdeen. A team from Greyhope Bay will come and deliver a workshop where we will be learning about the nature of the Aberdeen coastline.

The second context this term is “We are the Champions!” We will be learning about different sports, tournaments and participating in potted sports, school sports day, and learning about the skills needed for ice hockey and how to play pop lacrosse!

We will also be rehearsing for the school show, which will take place on the 27th June.


This term our taught writing will be journalistic, imaginative, letter writing, recount writing and report writing. These pieces will be linked to our Contexts for Learning so amongst other pieces we will be researching sport and sportspeople for report writing, writing newspaper articles of sporting events, writing book reviews and recounts of our trips and learning experiences. We will continue to work on our spelling, grammar and reflective reading strategies.

Maths and Numeracy 

In Term 4 we will be learning about fractions and percentages. We will then move on to measure (length, mass, area, capacity). Mrs Kelman will teach co-ordinates and algebra. As always, please continue to practice your times tables as much as you can at home!

Other Curricular Areas / Specialists

We will continue to learn Mandarin with Anne on Wednesdays and we will continue to learn French together. Mrs Jadid will continue to teach Science on Tuesday afternoons. RADS will be on Tuesdays and PE on Thursdays. Please dress appropriately for PE and RADs and bring trainers and a water bottle. Looking ahead to the responsibility of being P7s after the summer, we will be learning about Playground Leadership.

Homework & Sharing Learning

Homework will continue to be posted on Google Classroom every Monday. It will include a reading book (assigned on Boost website) and numeracy homework assigned on Education City.

A slide will be shared on the Google Classroom each Friday to show what we have been learning each week. We will hold an Open Afternoon for parents on Thursday 30th May. More details will follow nearer the time.

It’s going to be an exciting summer term!