P2/3 2023-2024

Welcome to Term 4!

Welcome back after the Easter holidays. Here is an update about some of the planned learning that will be taking place during Term 4 for Literacy, Numeracy, Health and Wellbeing and our IDL contexts.

IDL – ‘Silver City by the Sea’ and ‘We are the Champions!’

Our first context – Silver City by the Sea will have a focus on fishing in the local area. Learner’s will be given opportunities to find out more about jobs linked to the sea and fishing industry as well as learning more about the marine life. We will also attend a ‘Splash-tastic Adventure’ workshop!

Later on in the term we will move onto ‘We are the Champions!’. This will include learning around sporting and personal achievement, as well as taking in sporting events such as Sports Day and Potted Sports.


This term we will be learning how to write an acrostic poem, looking at the layout of this and using adjectives throughout. This will be linked to our first context for learning and have a marine life focus. Also linked to this context will be our persuasive leaflets, in which the class will be learning how to encourage others to take care of the local environment based on the sustainability goals (life below water). The learners will also be writing sports day invitations and writing autobiographies/biographies about themselves and sportspeople.


Fractions – We will be using concrete materials to begin our exploration of fractions in P2/3. We will investigate ways we can half/quarter shapes and numbers into equal parts, extending this for the P3 Circles to fifths and tenths. We will also be writing fractions in their written form and comparing the size of fractions.

Multiplication and Division – Using more concrete materials we will be making equal groups of objects to find the multiplied total/sharing group of items into smaller groups. Additionally, we will be using pictorial strategies to help us, building on our use of arrays. We will also look at skip counting/doubling/repeated addition for 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Learners will be extended to 4 and 8 when are confident with strategies to support them.

Measurement – Once a week, we will explore length, height, weight and capacity using estimation skills and non-stander units of measurement. We will use everyday objects around us and build up to more abstract applications of knowledge, where learners will select and use devices to measure and answer questions based on measurement. We will also look at measuring area of shapes.

Health and Wellbeing

As part of health and wellbeing this term, P2/3 will be learning about water safety and how they can keep themselves and others safe when around water. We will also be looking at the ‘Active’ wellbeing indicator, where we will examine resilience and mindset needed to overcome challenges and how athletes/we can keep healthy.


Information on homework for each child will be shared on Google Classroom. Please engage with the reading homework posted on Oxford Owl and the speed sounds videos posted each Monday.

Numeracy homework can be accessed on Education City, where new material will be posted for each new topic that is currently being covered in class.

Weekly learning will be shared at the end of the week on Google Classrooms.