P7 2023-2024

Term 4 in P7 – Looking ahead

As we enter our last term of Primary 7 (and Primary school) here is some of the things happening in the months ahead:


In the coming weeks, we will be covering statistics, interpreting and creating different types of graphs. Following that, we will look at the concept of chance and probability. We will then recap more previous topics before they set off into S1 maths.


We are still reading our class novel “The Explorer”, we hope to finish this in the coming weeks, while learning reading strategies throughout . As always, our taught writing will be based on our contexts for learning, covering a range of imaginative, functional and personal writing styles.


Our first context for learning this term is “The Silver City by the Sea”. P7 will focus on the North sea and the impact this has on the local economy in Aberdeen. Then, we will look at “We are the champions” where we will on look at different sporting events.


There is lots to look forward to this term including

  • Our Enrolment Mass for those receiving their Confirmation in June. This will be held on April 30th in school.
  • Our Rotary quiz team will take part in the next stages on May 11th.
  • We will take part in a Confirmation retreat in St Josephs on May 13th.
  • The much anticipated Tomintoul trip from May 22nd to May 24th.
  • Our Confirmation Mass will take place on June 6th in St Peter’s Church.
  • Sports day will take place in the ASV on June 7th with our Potted sports event just two weeks later on June 21st.
  • Our leavers assembly will take place on July 5th.

Homework will continue to be assigned on Google classroom every Monday and is to be handed in on a Friday.

PE will take place on Thursday afternoons.

Please keep an eye on the google classroom for more details about upcoming events and also to keep up to date with our learning on our weekly slide.