P5 2023-2024

P5 Term 3 Round Up

Welcome to the P5 page where this post will be updating everyone on how we have progressed in our learning throughout the rest of term 3


We have successfully worked through our data handling, shape and angles topics this term. It has been great to see our confidence increase as we learned in different ways through these topics. We used real life contexts to make our learning more meaningful.

In Data Handling we:

  • Conducted surveys and analysed the data they produced
  • Created appropriate graphs that showed data in the best way
  • Read and interpreted graphs
  • Asked and answered questions based on graphs and charts
  • Drew different graphs, tables and charts using an appropriate scale

In our Shape and Angles topic we:

  • Used the correct vocabulary to describe an angle (acute, right, obtuse, reflex, straight line)
  • Named and identified properties of 2D shapes
  • Identified 3D objects from a net
  • Explored special triangles – scalene, isosceles and equilateral
  • Discovered where 3D shapes are used in real life and our environment


We have completed our novel study – ‘How to Train your Dragon’ and we all really enjoyed learning through this during this term. It provided lots of reflective reading and comprehension learning opportunities. We were also inspired to use the ideas and new vocabulary in our own writing. There are many 5 star reviews being written!

Our two contexts for learning this term have both provided a platform for excellent reading, writing and talking/listening learning opportunities. During ‘Let’s Celebrate’ and ‘How’s the Weather?’ we produced persuasive, informative, journalistic and imaginative writing. We really enjoyed created our weather reports recently in the form of journalists and even got to try out green screen to take our presentations to the next level.


From performing as part of the Scottish Music and Culture project back in January to creating our own Weather Stations in March, our Interdisciplinary Learning this term has really encouraged P5 to showcase their talents in different ways. Standout highlights include:

  • Scottish Music and Culture Project
  • Whole School Ceilidh
  • Sharing Learning Assemblies
  • Our Open Classroom
  • Climate Smarter project
  • Science Week
  • Creating Weather Reports
  • Adding to our school Thinglink and enjoying seeing what other classes did!

Thank you for your support this term and we look forward to a well earned break before returning back to term 4 with even more enthusiasm.