P3/4 2023-2024

Term 4 in P3/4

Welcome to term 4. This term we will work on ‘ The Silver City by the Sea’ IDL in April and May.


When working on our IDL we will:

  • engage in leaning about sea pollution, fishing and the sea
  • go on a trip to zoology building to learn about marine animals
  • we will learn about our city ad the fishing industry
  • as a home learning challenge we will explore local areawith our families
  • we will share our learning during an assembly and an open afternoon for parents


We will continue working on our literacy skills. We will use RWI programme to develop our spelling, reading and comprehension skills. During wriing lessons we will write diaries, newspaper reports and posters linked to our IDL. We will work on researching information about our city and using our knowledge and research to create new texts.


During this term we will develop our knowledge od data handling and 2D and 3D shapes. When working on data hadling we will learn to create survey sand questionnaires and use them to create avariety of charts, diagrams, bar graphs and tables. We will develop our skills of selecting and useing the most appropriate way to gather and sort data for a given purpose, for example, a survey, questionnaire or group tallies. We will also use a variety of different methods, including the use of digital technologies, to display data, for example, as block graphs, bar graphs, tables, Carroll diagrams and Venn diagrams.

During work on 2D and 3D shapes we will learn to name, identify and classify a range of simple 2D shapes and 3D objects and to recognise these shapes in different orientations and sizes. We will also use mathematical language to describe the properties of a range of common 2D shapes and 3D objects including side, face, edge, vertex, base and angle. Finally, we will larn to identify 2D shapes within 3D objects and to recognises 3D objects from 2D drawings.


We will continue working on preparation to the First Communion with P4 learners in our class. We will be learning about the stories from the Bible and the importance of mass and prayer.


During PE lessons we will be developing our tennis skills. We will also take part in RADS sessions to continue working on or football abilities.

Homework will be shared via Google classroom on Monday and is due back by Friday.