P2 2023-2024

Primary 2 end of term news.

This has been a super year for Primary two.

Our most recent context has been “We are the Champions”. Mrs Bain’s son Cameron came into school to tell us about how he is a champion through playing Ice Hockey. We created fact files and top trumps cards about Cameron which listed his amazing achievements for his team and for Scotland. During this context we have enjoyed becoming champions through our efforts at both Sports day at the Sports Village, and Potted Sports in the playground. We have been thinking about our own personal achievements and discussing these achievements with our classmates.

The Olympics.
We learned about the values that an athlete needs to have. We designed our own new St. Peter’s mascot that represents sports values.
The class have been looking forward to our whole school Olympics show. Our country is Australia, we have enjoyed learning facts about Australia and Australian wildlife. We have been learning to sing and dance to the Australian songs “Locomotion” and “Dance monkey” and are looking forward to performing these songs at the show.

We have been continuing to develop our reading skills through our Learning to read lessons.
In our writing lessons this month we continued to learn to write factfiles, we also learned to write personal diary entries.

Following a block on Multiplication and Division, we learned about fractions. We learned to identify halves and quarters of objects and numbers. We have also been learning to measure length, weight and volume.

Health and wellbeing.
In our lessons with Mrs Kelman we have been learning to stay safe. We have been learning about road safety and being safe in the sun. In P.E., we enjoyed preparing for Sports day by learning to run relay races, complete a long jump and throw javelins. Recently we have been learning about striking and fielding through lessons on playing rounders. P2 have had lots of fun learning to play rounders!

Take a look at some of our learning in June.