P6 2023-2024

Term 4 Part 2: We are Champions!

Our final context for learning this year was “We are the Champions”, which has been great fun. We have enjoyed learning about the skills needed for lacrosse, rugby and ice hockey. We enthusiastically participated in the school sports day and potted sports.

We have been researching the nation of Nigeria, the Olympics and Euro 24. We have been presenting our research to our peers. We have been learning how to be playground leaders, in preparation for P7. Some of us went on a 5 mile road cycle of the local area with Sustrans, while others practised their scooter skills.

We have enjoyed learning about the significance of the Olympic rings and creating our own Olympic gold medals with clay.

One of the highlights of this context for learning has been learning Nigerian-inspired contemporary dance choreography, delivered by Afri-Style. We are so grateful to Mrs Nwaopara. We hope you had a chance to see us perform at the school show.

We have continued to work on our writing skills. In recent weeks we have created factfiles and reports about the Olympics, Euro24 and Nigeria. We also wrote newspaper articles about the St Peter’s Sports Day. Some great journalistic skills were honed! We have continued to work on our reflective reading skills.

In Maths we have enjoyed learning about measure. We can convert between different units of measure, calculate perimeter, area and volume. At the beginning of P6 we measured our height using string. We each put our piece of string in an envelope with a message to our future selves. It was great fun this week opening the envelopes and calculating how much we have grown in P6!

Please enjoy the photographs of our final term in P6.

Good luck for P7! It has been a pleasure being your teacher. You will all be great P7s  😊