P4 2023-2024

What a great term it was!

Our IDL was: We are the Champions!

 We learned about different sport events especially Olympics and we chose Italy as our country we are going to be representing. We learned 2 songs for our Olympics show. We were very good at singing  L’Italiano song and dancing Mambo Italiano.

We did lots of sport this term. We did swimming every Thursday. We had great fun at Sports Day in Sports Village. We practised athletics disciplines: running, long jump, throwing javelin.

We also had Potted Sports day in St Peters school! We were throwing, skipping, jumping and having lots of great fun!

In Maths we were revising multiplication and trying to use our knowledge of multiplication to solve real life problems. We also looked at 2D and 3D shapes and their properties: faces, edges and vertices.

In writing we were writing fact files, invitations, posters and leaflets. We wrote a leaflet for the Maritime Museum that we visited this term. It was a great rip we learned about the Oil Industry and Aberdeen.

We had other trips too. We went to Seaton Park to meet the Park Rangers and teach us about the park. We went litter picking in Old Aberdeen too.

We also had many visitors. NHS nurses visited us to tell us about the importance of sleep. Dental nurse came to teach us about the teeth hygiene.

We learned lots of great things in Science about soil and rocks. We learned how rocks are formed, what their names are and where we can find them.