Pupil Council

Pupil Council 2023 – 2024

There is a pupil council representative from every class in our school. This year, they have met up regularly, working together on various projects. 

Brief Overview:

  • Pupil council representatives conducted an outdoor audit looking at accessibility and play equipment
  • We began an energy audit looking at ways to reduce our carbon footprint. Energy monitors were allocated in each class to ensure that electrical equipment, doors and windows are being used effectively
  • Signs were made to remind people to switch off the lights
  • We worked with David from Charlie House to help raise money for unwell children and their families
  • Our Christmas pantomime and nativity play were fundraising opportunities
  • We continued to work hard to raise money and planned an Active Adventure Day with ‘Charlie Dog’ himself making an appearance! We raised £349.70 in total for Charlie House and earned our own brick on their wall!
  • We launched and organised the ‘Voicebox’ competition, encouraging all pupils to submit a joke, shortlisting these to one, and submitting it to the final. Although our chosen joke did not win, we had lots of fun in the process!