JRSOs 2023/2024

Our Junior Road Safety Officers have completed another busy year, raising road safety awareness across the school!

Brief Overview:

  • Our year began recruiting 4 new JRSO members from Primary 6. This was a competitive process with a very high calibre of applicants
  • Our first job was to contact Road Safety Scotland to ask for ‘Ziggy’s Little Books’ to be sent to us, these were for our primary 1 pupils.. The JRSO team visited the two classes and read to them before the books were sent home as part of home learning.
  • The JRSOs introduced themselves at assembly, sharing invaluable information about staying safe in the dark. They launched a ‘Stay Bright’ logo competition and received over 60 entries. One pupil from each class won a road safety prize.
  • The JRSOs planned and carried out a 40 minute interactive lesson on Seatbelt Safety for all pupils in primary 1 to primary 4.
  • They raised awareness of Beep Beep!Day working closely with P1, P2 and P2/3. The JRSOs taught the younger children about the importance of
  • Holding hands with a grown up when crossing the road
  • Crossing roads safely
  • Importance of using a car seat when travelling
  • Finally, the JRSOs led a primary 1 transition day, demonstrating the importance of STOP, LOOK, LISTEN and THINK!