P1 2024-2025

Term 3 – P1

We hope you had a lovely Christmas holiday and Happy New Year! We cannot believe we are already in Term 3 of Primary 1. Here is an update about some of the planned learning that will be taking place this term.

Contexts for Learning

Our Cultural Scotland

Our Historical World – Old Aberdeen


Through the Read Write Inc program we will be continuing to support our literacy skills and strategies across the curriculum. Our taught writing lessons will be linked to our IDL contexts above. To begin with, we will be using our imagination to create a Scottish character, moving on to thinking about setting and using this to create our own story. We will then be moving on to creating functional leaflets, advertising attractions in our local area. Towards the end of term we will do recount writing, where we will reflect on experiences we have had throughout the ‘Our Historical World’ context.


By continuing to use a maths mastery approach, we will be exploring money. We will be learning to understand the value of coins, recognise coins, make amounts, and give change. We will do this by handling real money, using visual/pictorial representations and concrete materials to help us understand their amount, like numicon. Learners will be extended to show amounts in a range of ways and to answer questions using money. We will then move on to measurement, where we will will introduce measurement terms (e.g. shorter/longer) and use non-standard measurement. We will cover length, weight and volume through hand-on exploration. As a stand-alone topic, once a week we will also look at Data Handling and Symmetry. This will include having opportunities to collect and display data in a range of ways, through pictograms, tally marks, bar charts and Venn diagrams before moving on to finding symmetry in shapes and images.

Health and Wellbeing

This term the wellbeing indicators included, respected and responsible will be covered.

P.E days are Monday and Tuesday. We will be doing Scottish Dancing, Gymnastics and skills needed for Net Games.

Information on homework for each child will be shared on Google Classroom.

Weekly learning will be shared at the end of the week on Google Classrooms.