
Hello from Primary 2!

Hello from Primary 2

Look at all these things we have been learning in February!

We are mathematicians in Primary 2. We have been learning how to share a larger number into smaller equal groups using cubes to help us. This is called dividing a number.

In writing, we have been learning how to sequence a story. We listened to “Katie Morag and the Tiresome Ted” and then had to order pictures to re-tell the story. Now we are busy writing imaginative stories about travelling on a magic carpet!

We have just finished learning about the Isle of Struay with the help of Katie Morag. We have been looking at the differences between Aberdeen and the Isle of Struay and we enjoyed designing our own Islands!

We have been really lucky and were able to have swimming lessons at the Aquatics Centre as part of the Saltire Schools Project.

Mrs Croxon read us a story about Selkies and then we learned how to paint a seascape. The seascapes look great displayed in our classroom!

This is what we will be learning all about in March.


We are going to be learning the sounds ‘i-e‘, ‘o-e‘ and ‘a-e‘. We will also be consolidating our previous phonemes. Our new spelling words will be  five   time   life   line   home   more  school   Mrs.   take gave  cold   don’t


We are going to be learning all about symmetry and will be creating and recognising symmetrical pictures, patterns and shapes. We are also going to be looking at repeated patterns and will be learning how to recognise and continue simple number sequences.



In Mental Maths, we are going to be learning about halving and doubling numbers as well as revising our number bonds to 20. We will also make sure that we can count confidently in 2s, 5s and 10s to build up our 2, 5 and 10 times tables.


Our topic is transport. We are looking forward to learning about how people travelled in the past and finding out about different types of transport. As part of our topic, we are going to be looking at road safety. We will be learning how to cross the road safely and why it is important to wear reflective clothing so we can be seen at night!
