
P1/2 May News

P1/2 have been working very hard in all areas of the curriculum. We have been very lucky to have been given the opportunity to attend swimming lessons in the Aquatics Center at Aberdeen Sports Village. All the children who participated had a wonderful time!

We have completed our ‘Transport’ topic and enjoyed learning about the different types of transport people have used throughout the ages.

Our new topic is ‘Percy the Park Keeper’. We have been watching and reading stories about Percy. We have identified the main characters in the books. This week we are learning about plants and how they grow. We have planted beans and will be planting cress and sunflower seeds in the next few weeks.

It is ‘Health Week’ at school. We will be learning about the importance of healthy eating and exercise. The children have all taken home ‘Food Diaries’ to complete and return by Friday. The whole school will be participating in various fun, fitness activities throughout the week. We will post photographs on our next update.

The ‘Pied Pipers’ came to visit the school on Monday. They re-told many old stories we all knew through actions, songs and movement. We all thoroughly enjoyed the show!


In maths we have been learning about 2D and 3D shape along with data handling and interpretation. We are introduced to new spelling words and phonemes every week and are concentrating on writing independently. In RE we have been learning about the life of Mary Our Lady.