
P3 Class News

Hello from P3 !

P3 have been very busy learning to measure accurately. First we concentrated on measuring the length, height and width of different objects and then we measured different parts of our body since our topic is the Human Body!


Then P3  learned about weight and how to use scales.  This week we had a lot of fun learning about capacity and how to measure liquids.

In mental maths, P3 have been practising adding and taking away to 100 using different strategies we have learned this year. 

In literacy, we have learned the following phonemes this month:

  • -u- as in pull,
  • -y- as in crystal
  •  -gn- as in gnome.

We are now revising them and playing many different sound games.

In our topic, we have learned about all 5 senses and the skeleton. We will now focus on learning about muscles, breathing and the digestive system.