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June Learning for P1/2

We can’t believe that it is only five weeks before the end of the academic year! In June, P1/2 will be concentrating on the following subjects:


Measure – We will be estimating and measuring objects using standard and non-standard units of measure. We are hoping to take advantage of the nicer weather to learn outside!

We will also be consolidating some of our previous learning throughout the year.


Writing – We will be trying very hard to write our own stories independently. We will be creating character studies, writing our own ‘Percy the Park Keeper’ story and retelling the traditional tale ‘Jack and the Beanstalk.’

Phonics and Spelling – P1 have one more sound to learn ‘oy‘. The spelling words are  our  down   off. We will be consolidating all of our sounds and words.

P2 will also be consolidating their sounds and spelling words. They will be introduced to the sounds ff, kn and mb. New spelling words will be three room long tree under were thing and know.



We are continuing to learn more about Percy the Park Keeper. We will be learning about pond life, mini beasts and the environment. We are looking forward to our trip to Aden Country Park. We have planted seeds and have gone on a ‘Worm Hunt.’




We will be learning about summer and thanking God for this creation. We will also be learning more about Mass and listening to the story of Moses and the Burning Bush.







Gentle Reminders

Home work and Education City tasks will be set on a Monday.

Please could all children have a gym kit in school every day. The weather is getting better and we will be seeking opportunities to get outside and practise for Sports Day.