P1 Blue 2016/2017Uncategorized

P1b class news

Primary one blue had a fantastic time during Health Week. Each day they participated in a different activity with enthusiasm! Over the course of the week they learned to do Irish dancing, yoga, football, jazz dancing and skipping.

The children also learned about why our bones and muscles are so important. They loved having a visit from the school skeleton to help with their learning.     In assembly, on Friday, the children told the rest of the school what they had been learning about and sang a special song about their bones.

The children have two final sounds to learn this year. This week we are learning the sound “oy” as in toy or enjoy. Next week the children will learn their final sound “oa”.

For spelling this week the children are learning the words “down”, “our” and “off”. Next week they will have the words “him”, “all” and “came” to learn.

The children will then be consolidating and revising the sounds that they have learned throughout their primary one year.

In maths this week the children are learning about 3d shapes. They will be learning to recognise and name a cube, cone, cylinder and sphere. The children will do a variety of activities in the classroom and will hopefully take advantage of some good weather in order to go on a shape hunt in the playground.

Next week the children will revise their knowledge of bar graphs, before going on to create and interpret their own.They will then learn about how information is presented and interpreted on Carroll diagrams.


In project lessons last week, Peter Bear went on an adventure and the children wrote wonderful imaginative stories describing where they thought Peter Bear had been. The next day Peter Bear was back, with a friend called Frankie. Frankie is a puppet who asked the children to learn about different types of puppets, before asking them to make their own hand puppet. The children have had lots of fun making up their own puppet shows!

This week the children will learn about how springs are used in toys and will create their own Jack in the Box.

Next week the children will be making a toy which needs a small cardboard box. Please can your child bring in any empty cereal or tissue boxes that you may have at home so that we can use them to make our next toy.

Thank you

Miss MacDonald