
Primary 5 class news.

Primary five have had a great start to the new term.

We went for a walk through Seaton Park to look for signs of Autumn. We had great fun using the cameras and ipads to show evidence of Autumn. One group even spotted a squirrel, although it was moving too quickly to get a photograph!









When we came back to school, Miss Ross had arranged a variety of activities to help us to write some fantastic echo poems all about Autumn.
On Tuesday we went to the Scottish Book Awards at the Beach Ballroom. We got to hear from the three authors who wrote books which have been shortlisted for the Scottish book award.

Ross MacKenzie – ‘The Nowhere Emporium’

Elizabeth Laird – ‘The fastest boy in the world’

Gillian Philip – ‘Mysteries of Ravenstorm Island – the lost children’.

It was so exciting to hear the authors talk about what inspires them to write stories, how they created their book and what their book is about.

Before the trip, we all got to submit our own questions to the authors. Rachel’s question was chosen and so she got to ask the authors a question!
“It was scary to talk in front of the whole ballroom because there were so many people there including 3 important authors. I asked the authors how it felt when their first book was published. Ross MacKenzie said that it was really strange to see his book on the shelves for the first time.I thought it was really nice to hear what all of the authors thought and to hear the answers to the other questions.”

We are reading one of the books “The Nowhere Emporium” by Ross MacKenzie as our class novel at the moment. It is very mysterious! This week we are using the book as stimulus for our writing lessons as we create our very own pages in “The Book of Wonder”.

In maths we have been learning to multiply large numbers using the grid method. The children have been working very hard to show their knowledge and understanding of multiplication through grid method work over the last few weeks.

Last week we also did some problem solving in maths. We were learning about the different strategies that we can use to solve problems. We worked in pairs to solve problems and then create similar problems for our friends to solve. We were using the “Guess, Check and Improve” strategy to solve this problem.

Next week we will be starting a block of division. Quick times table practice sessions at home will help the children to strengthen their times table knowledge, which, in turn will help them to divide numbers.


We are continuing to learn about China as our project this term. The children have been researching famous Chinese landmarks. They used the internet to find out information about the Great Wall and then they used this information to create fantastic factfile pages in their jotters. The children then completed a problem solving activity where they had to build their own Great Wall for the classroom wall. The children came up with some very creative Great Walls.

In art, the children have been looking at Chinese fabrics and have been designing their own clothing using Chinese patterns.



Next week the children will be starting to learn about the Terracotta Warriors.

Harvest Service

The children did a fantastic job of co-ordinating the Harvest Service. They collected the food in from the children, displayed it at the front of the hall and then sorted and packed the food that was given. Half of the food will be going to the St. Vincent de Paul Society and the other half will be given to the Seaton Food bank.

The children are looking forward to delivering the food to the food bank on Friday afternoon.